Dipanjan Roy is currently affiliated with School of AI and Data Science at Indian Institute of Technology, Jodhpur. He is leading Brain Dynamics, Connectivity and Cognition Lab working on various research aspects related to Neuroimaging, Multi-scale computational modeling, EEG, and Behavior. The specific areas in which the group contributes computational models and methods pertained to learning and memory, Perception, and attention, Aging, and Multi-sensory processing. His group is also involved in the connectomics dynamical systems and machine learning-based approach to determine age effects on cognition, neurodegenerative disorders, and reorganization of neurocognitive brain networks. In particular, the group is looking at the relationship between structural perturbations, lesions in patients, and investigating mechanisms of the reorganization of functional connectivity using Computational Modeling and noninvasive probes. He has made several key contributions to understanding the computational role of time delay, time-scale separation, structure-function relationship, and plasticity that unfolds in a dynamical landscape in the brain. His research combines developing methods to analyze EEG, fMRI recordings at rest and task conditions along with whole-brain computational modeling. Research methods also cover the acquisition of behavioral response under naturalistic, psychophysical stimuli from participants, and investigating neural correlates of behavior.