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Relaxation in S=1/2 quantum spin chains: The role of second neighbor interactions
, C.N. Hoff, D.E. Kuhl, D.A. McGrew
Published in
Volume: 53
Issue: 6
Pages: 3398 - 3408
Most of the existing dynamical studies in one dimension on magnetic insulators have considered the simplest spin models with nearest-neighbor interactions. In real systems, however, it is possible that longer range interactions are not entirely negligible. It is expected that the inclusion of next-nearest-neighbor interactions between spins in one-dimensional spin models will introduce a multitude of new frequencies in addition to the ones already present in the dynamics that arises due to nearest-neighbor interactions. We first present an exact solution for the dynamical xx-spin-pair correlations in an Ising chain with both nearest- and next-nearest-neighbor interactions to confirm our expectation. We next show, via an approximate analytical calculation, that the dynamical zz-spin-pair correlations in the next-nearest-neighbor transverse Ising chain when plotted as a function of time is noticeably different with respect to the exactly solvable nearest-neighbor transverse Ising chain at T→∞ when the next-nearest-neighbor interaction is ≳1/2 of the magnitude of the nearest-neighbor interaction. The effects could be fairly subtle in the time domain representation and in the spectral function when these additional interactions are weak (i.e., <1/2 of the nearest-neighbor interaction magnitude). The general conclusions reached in this work are expected to be valid for other simple quantum spin models such as the XY and XXZ models in one dimension. © 1996 The American Physical Society.
About the journal
JournalPhysical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics