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Nonlinear dynamics in granular columns
R.S. Sinkovits,
Published in
Volume: 74
Issue: 14
Pages: 2686 - 2689
Atomistic simulations of the vertical propagation of perturbations in deep gravitationally compacted granular columns characterized by the intergrain potential Vδδn, with n2 and δ the grain overlap, are shown to recover the results of elasticity theory for weak perturbations. For strong perturbations, the sound velocity cstrong→cweak as z→ with the deviations from cweak best expressed via a certain recursion relation in z. We predict that voids in real granular columns lead to c1-ε, when the void fraction ε is small, and show that the velocity power spectrum of a grain resembles that of a harmonic oscillator chain as z→. © 1995 The American Physical Society.
About the journal
JournalPhysical Review Letters