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New sensitivity analysis for structural optimization of composite rotor blades
, P.P. Friedmann, Kuo-An Yuan
Published in Publ by AIAA, Washington, DC, United States
Issue: pt 5
Pages: 2952 - 2973
This paper presents a detailed mathematical derivation of the sensitivity derivatives for the structural dynamic, aeroelastic stability and response characteristics of a rotor blade in hover and forward flight. The formulation is denoted by the term semi-analytical approach, because certain derivatives have to be evaluated by a finite difference scheme. Using the present formulation, sensitivity derivatives for the structural dynamic and aeroelastic stability characteristics, were evaluated for both isotropic and composite rotor blades. Based on the results, useful conclusions are obtained regarding the relative merits of the semi-analytical approach, for calculating sensitivity derivatives, when compared to a pure finite difference approach.
About the journal
JournalCollection of Technical Papers - AIAA/ASME Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference
PublisherPubl by AIAA, Washington, DC, United States