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Linearity stabilizes discrete breathers
T.R.K. Mohan,
Published in
Volume: 77
Issue: 5
Pages: 975 - 986
The study of the dynamics of 1D chains with both harmonic and nonlinear interactions, as in the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam (FPU) and related problems, has played a central role in efforts to identify the broad consequences of nonlinearity in these systems. Here we study the dynamics of highly localized excitations, or discrete breathers, which are known to be initiated by the quasistatic stretching of bonds between adjacent particles. We show via dynamical simulations that acoustic waves introduced by the harmonic term stabilize the discrete breather by suppressing the breather's tendency to delocalize and disperse. We conclude that the harmonic term, and hence acoustic waves, are essential for the existence of localized breathers in these systems. © Indian Academy of Sciences.
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JournalPramana - Journal of Physics