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Hydrodynamics of sediment transport: Grain scale to continuum scale
, S.Z. Ali
Published in CRC Press/Balkema
Pages: 29 - 40
A theory of sediment transport, describing the entrainment phenomenon from the grain scale to the continuum scale, under a steady-uniform flow over a sediment bed is presented. The sediment grains, assumed as discrete spherical grains, are subjected to turbulent wall-shear flows. At the grain scale, the forces acting on a sediment grain resting over three compact spherical grains are analysed to determine the criteria for entrainment threshold in rolling, sliding and lifting modes taking into account the turbulence effects. Comparison of the theoretical results with the experimental data shows that the entrainment threshold lies within the sliding and lifting modes. Then, at the grain scale, using the lognormal probability density function for the near-bed instantaneous horizontal velocity, the entrainment probabilities in rolling, sliding and lifting modes for a given grain size are derived. The rolling and sliding probabilities increase with an increase in Shields function and after attaining their individual maximum values, they reduce, whereas the lifting probability increases with Shields function. The maximum value of entrainment probability in rolling mode is close to the threshold Shields function in rough flow, whereas the entrainment probability in lifting mode initiates from the value of the threshold Shields function. In a continuum scale, the bedload flux is derived by hypothesising the saltating mode of sediment transport incorporating the lifting probability obtained at the grain scale. © 2016 Taylor & Francis Group, London.
About the journal
JournalScour and Erosion - Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Scour and Erosion, ICSE 2016
PublisherCRC Press/Balkema