In the standard model of committee selection we are given a set of ordinal votes over a set of candidates and a desired committee size, and the task is to select a committee that relates to the given votes. Motivated by possible interactions and dependencies between candidates, we study a generalization of committee selection in which the candidates are connected via a network and the task is to select a committee that also satisfies certain properties with respect to this candidate network. To accommodate few possibilities of taking voter preferences into account, we consider three standard and diverse voting rules (namely, k-Borda, Chamberlin-Courant, and Gehrlein stability); to model different aspects of interactions and dependencies between candidates, we consider two graph properties (namely, Independent Set and Connectivity). We study the parameterized complexity of the corresponding combinatorial problems and discuss certain implications of our algorithmic results. © 2020 Inst. Sci. inf., Univ. Defence in Belgrade. All rights reserved.