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Viscoelastic nature of Au nanoparticle-PDMS nanocomposite gels
, H.K. Nagamanasa, R. Ganapathy, G.U. Kulkarni
Published in Indian Academy of Sciences
Volume: 38
Issue: 4
Pages: 817 - 823
A stable gel of Au nanoparticles in polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) nanocomposite is prepared by employing the curing agent of PDMS elastomer as a reducing agent for the formation of Au nanoparticles by an in-situ process. The viscoelastic nature of these gels is very sensitive to the Au nanoparticle loading and the synthetic temperature conditions. Even a very low Au content of 0.09 wt% is sufficient enough to bring in the transition from sponge state to gel state at room temperature. Higher synthetic temperature also forms sponge formation. Infrared and ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy measurements have provided insight into PDMS crosslinking and nanoparticle formation, respectively. The optimization of the gel properties can have direct influence on the processability of Au nanoparticle-PDMS nanocomposite gels, with interesting implications in electronic, optical and microfluidic devices. © Indian Academy of Sciences.
About the journal
JournalBulletin of Materials Science
PublisherIndian Academy of Sciences