The technological advancements in health care have enabled us to visualize point-of-care testing (POCT) as an integrated system in medical diagnostics. Point-of-care (POC) microscopy has the ability to bring about a revolution in the general diagnostic procedures. It enables us to get real-time test results in histopathology through noninvasive or minimally invasive procedures. This chapter on the trends in POC microscopy intends to put forth a comprehensive assimilation of its significant aspects for the present understanding and future direction. With a brief introduction to the concept of POCT and its historical perspective, the chapter reviews the circumstances under which the demand for POCT has increased in the health care industry over the last four to five decades. Primarily, the chapter emphasizes POC microscopy as an emerging technology in rural health care, where histopathology-based examinations of biological samples are the first stage of diagnosis. The chapter extensively discusses the need of POC microscopes, the fabrication approaches implemented to develop POC microscopes, and the current research trend in this field. Finally, the chapter outlines the commercial aspect of the existing and upcoming POC microscopes in the medical industry. We hope that this comprehensive report of the trends in POC microscopy will not only encourage people to explore the realms of health care but also will expand the horizon of the existing POC technologies. © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.