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Text recognition using deep BLSTM networks
A. Ray, S. Rajeswar,
Published in Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
This paper presents a Deep Bidirectional Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) based Recurrent Neural Network architecture for text recognition. This architecture uses Connectionist Temporal Classification (CTC) for training to learn the labels of an unsegmented sequence with unknown alignment. This work is motivated by the results of Deep Neural Networks for isolated numeral recognition and improved speech recognition using Deep BLSTM based approaches. Deep BLSTM architecture is chosen due to its ability to access long range context, learn sequence alignment and work without the need of segmented data. Due to the use of CTC and forward backward algorithms for alignment of output labels, there are no unicode re-ordering issues, thus no need of lexicon or postprocessing schemes. This is a script independent and segmentation free approach. This system has been implemented for the recognition of unsegmented words of printed Oriya text. This system achieves 4.18% character level error and 12.11% word error rate on printed Oriya text. © 2015 IEEE.