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Synthesis and characterization of MWCNT reinforced nano-crystalline copper coating from a highly basic bath through pulsed electrodeposition
R. Chakraborty, , S. Das, P. Saha, K. Das
Published in Elsevier B.V.
Volume: 9
Pages: 28 - 35
This study aims to synthesis of a thin coating of nano-crystalline copper reinforced with MWCNT through pulse electrodeposition from a highly basic bath. Copper ion was complexed with ammonia to stabilize Cu2+ at pH> 10, at which functionalized MWCNT also able to well disperse and stabilize in aqueous solution. This technique enables co-deposition of Cu-MWCNT. The depositions were carried out galvanostatically at 10, 50 and 100 mA/cm2 current densities. At 10 mA/cm2 current density, both pure copper and copper oxide depositions take place with {110} and {111} planes parallel to the surface of the substrate, respectively. Whereas, at higher current densities, cauliflower type of grain growth is observed for pure copper deposition and no trace of copper oxide is evident. Crystallite size is in the range of 39 to 98 nm. This composite coating can serve as one of the potential candidate in the area of thin current collector for micro electrical contact. © 2017 Elsevier B.V.
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