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Pose estimation of a tilted pellet using single view from robot mounted camera
S. Chaudhary, R. Sadanand, S.D. Roy,
Published in Association for Computing Machinery
Volume: 02-04-July-2015
This paper proposes a novel approach for finding the orientation of the tilted pellet using a single view of the pellet. This is important for the automation of pick and place problem. A texture less isolated cylindrical object is used for the pick and place operation. In this approach the isolated pellets are segmented from the background, following which, its contour is estimated. Then based on the assumption that length and diameter of the pellet remains constant, the mathematical formulation of the pose estimation of the pellet is given, and using which the orientation of the tilted pellet is computed using just single view. This is then experimentally verified for the different orientations of the pellet and the results are within the acceptable levels of accuracy A brief overview of the error estimation has been included. This error in orientation of the pellet is due to the variance in the actual height of the pellet. Error Jacobian for the above inaccuracy was calculated, and was found to be within required limits. © 2015 ACM.
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