We investigated the evolution of magnetic entropy in a triclinic FeVO4 multiferroic using temperature and magnetic field dependent magnetic measurements at magnetic transitions. The observed antiferromagnetic transitions are at TN1 = 22 K and TN2 = 15 K, together with the paramagnetic phase above TN1. A magnetic field induced maximum magnetic entropy change (ΔSM = 0.37 J kg−1K−1 at H = 50 kOe) at multiferroic transition, 15 K is observed in conjunction with a crossover from the negative to positive in ΔSM(T) data at TN1 towards TN2. The crossover of magnetic entropy substantiates the onset of inverse magnetocaloric effect below the antiferromagnetic transition temperature at TN1 together with maximum ΔSM at TN2. © 2020 Elsevier B.V.