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Noise-aided dynamic range compression using selective processing in a statistics-dependent stochastic resonance model
, P.K. Biswas
Published in 2015 Visual Communications and Image Processing, VCIP 2015
This paper presents a noise-aided dynamic range compression algorithm using a stochastic resonance model in spatial domain. An input statistics-dependent stochastic resonance (ISSR) model, that is designed for contrast enhancement of dark images, is used here to enhance an image with both bright and dark areas. The underilluminated regions of such an image are selected as the De Vries Rose region from a human visual system-based segmentation algorithm, and then processed using the ISSR model. It is observed that by semi-adaptively changing the processing parameters with iteration, the processed dark regions and the unprocessed bright regions of an image smoothly merge producing a quality of dynamic range compression in the image. The performance of the proposed algorithm is characterized using image quality index for tone-mapped images and a no-reference perceptual quality measure. Results and comparative analysis suggest notable performance of the proposed algorithm with fewer iteration. © 2015 IEEE.
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PublisherData powered by Typeset2015 Visual Communications and Image Processing, VCIP 2015