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N-sigma stability of stochastic systems with sliding mode control
S. Chakrabarty,
Published in Elsevier Ltd
Volume: 351
Issue: 4
Pages: 2232 - 2242
In this paper, sliding mode control for discrete time systems with stochastic noise in their input channel has been discussed. The idea of process control using control charts has influenced this new approach towards dealing with systems with stochastic noise. The new approach approximates the stochastic noise as a bounded uncertainty, similar to having bounds in the control charts for stochastic process control data. For discrete time systems, this results in a bounded stability in probability of the quasi sliding mode, which is referred to as the N-sigma bounded stability. The probability associated with the stability notions is not fixed and the control engineer may desire lower or higher degrees of stability in terms of this probability. Thus one has design flexibility while implementing the theory in practice, where one might have to adjust the desired degree of stability due to hardware limitations. © 2013 The Franklin Institute.
About the journal
JournalJournal of the Franklin Institute
PublisherElsevier Ltd