In controller design, the classical control techniques have their distinct advantages and capabilities. The integral sliding-mode control (ISMC) leverages the merits of such control techniques by allowing their merger with the sliding-mode control (SMC). ISMC is composed of two components, a nominal control designed using any methodology and a discontinuous-SMC, and thus the system can have specified performance with high degree of robustness. The proposed work achieves multiple objectives, i.e., mitigates 2ω-ripple, ensures robustness, and improves dynamic performance. The proposed ISM-based controller amalgamates SMC with a new dual-loop adaptive PID-control (as the nominal control). The discontinuous-SMC part ensures robustness against the matched-uncertainty, i.e., disturbances entering through the input channel such as parametric variations, exogenous disturbances, modeling-error, and the nominal control mitigate 2ω-ripple at the input of dc-dc-ac converter. Moreover, the adaptive nature of nominal control improves the system performance at the large line-load transients unlike the conventional control. Furthermore, the proposed controller supports the reduction of 2ω-ripple at the input of converter. The proposed control scheme is validated using 1-kW prototype. © 1986-2012 IEEE.