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Investigating the deformation mechanisms of a highly metastable high entropy alloy using in-situ neutron diffraction
M. Frank, Y. Chen, , S. Sinha, K. Liu, K. An, R.S. Mishra
Published in Elsevier Ltd
Volume: 23
The present study correlates the effect of enhanced metastability on both the well-understood γ-f.c.c. stacking fault energy (SFE) and deformation mechanisms in the ε-h.c.p. phase of a metastable high entropy alloy (HEA). The SFE of a Fe40Mn20Cr15Co20Si5 alloy (CS-HEA) was experimentally determined to be ∼6.31 mJ m−2 using in-situ neutron diffraction. The relatively low-measured SFE of the CS-HEA results in a high fraction of the ε-h.c.p. phase (58 %) triggering significant stress partitioning to ε-h.c.p. and a marginal fraction of γ-f.c.c. → ε-h.c.p. transformation (∼25 %). The ε-h.c.p. phase accommodated a significant amount of strain marked by the large stress-induced decrease of c/a ratio (from ∼1.619 to 1.588), which was accompanied by activation of non-basal deformation modes, such as deformation twinning and pyramidal slip. Using in-situ neutron diffraction, we show by decreasing SFE and stabilization of large fractions of ε-h.c.p., activation of non-basal deformation modes are responsible for high work hardenability in absence of significant γ-f.c.c. → ε-h.c.p. transformation. © 2019 Elsevier Ltd
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