This edited volume represents the beginnings of the journey in digital heritage of India with a focus on the digital preservation of a UNESCO world heritage site with tangible and intangible heritage artefacts of great historic value. The vision of the sponsoring agency, the Department of Science and Technology of the Government of India, in digital heritage has expanded to a larger canvas of inter-disciplinary Cyber-Physical Systems with heritage as one of the central themes. Starting with cultural heritage of Hampi, the future directions are to include other cultural heritage sites, ecological heritage, socio-cultural heritage of dwellings of cities, of music, soundscapes and spoken languages; the list goes on. With emerging technologies of underwater mapping, LIDAR scanners, drones, virtual and augmented realities, 3D printing etc., the future directions for Indian digital heritage seem endless. This chapter elaborates a few directions which have now been encapsulated as a detailed project report and submitted as guidance to the Department of Science and Technology for the next phase of funded research and development. © Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2017.