In the biological evolution process, logical thinking has been the last to evolve and lies at the surface of our consciousness, its means and methodologies available for introspection. On the other hand, the intelligence required to interpret sensory signals and activate motor commands is so well known biologically that it is buried in the subconscious and is entirely inaccessible at the conscious level. The variation in human intelligence is usually measured by the ability to process logical information, whereas the other forms of intelligence needed in daily life are not normallyassociated with the word intelligence. In the recent years man wants to develop a machine having its own intelligence. He wants to make machine, to which he can treat as a real servant. In this paper a simulated robotic system is described, which can be used as a criminal-detecting robot. In this project, an attempt will be made to design a Robot and it�s software, which will have an optimal solution of conditions (for which the Robot is to be designed i.e. security). It will not only reduce the cost (the cost spend insecurity of VIP�s is very high) but also will increase the security strength and stop the criminal activities. It will take snaps of the people and match from its database to check for criminals. Thus, such operations with minimum errors will cause the better security. Computer vision concerned with the sensing of vision data and its interpretation by a computer. Detecting faces in images with complex backgrounds is a difficult task. The approach presented in this paper, which obtains state of the art results, is based on a new neural network model. To detect a face in an image means to find its position in the image plane (x, y) and its size or scale (z). An image of a face can be considered as a set of features such as eyes, mouth and nose with constrained positions and size within an oval: an explicit model can be used. The think and adjust himself in any condition, can take the optimal and possible decision. The Robot can perform only those tasks and take decisions, which are specified in its programming code.