Logic gates are designed using symmetric lateral doping-free bipolar junction transistor (BJT) on silicon on insulator (SOI) using differential pass transistor logic, and their performance matrices are presented. Charge carriers are induced in lightly doped emitter and collector regions using two unique approaches. i.e., the charge plasma (CP) and polarity control (PC). AND, OR and XOR gates are designed using four types of devices (CP-NPN, CP-PNP, PC-NPN, and PC-PNP) and transient and noise margin analysis are performed. The transient response shows rise and fall time less than 100 ps while worst-case noise margin of 0.25 V observed for an input voltage of 1 V. Moreover, 2:1 multiplexer is also designed and explored for output transient and voltage levels. The delay of less than 2.2 ns is achieved with a nominal deviation of 0.1 V and 0.04 V for high and low output levels respectively. © 2021 Elsevier Ltd