Rice-Wheat Consortium has been promoting resource conserving technologies in the Indo-Gangetic Plains(IGP) for past several years for timely planting of crops using simple vertical shocker type Zero-till Ferti-seed drills. Many farmers have purchased these zero-till drills in the south west region of the Indo-Gangetic Plains. Zero-till planting was introduced to advance the planting of crops to improve productivity, particularly in the winter season. Timely planting of wheat is known to improve crop productivity in the range of 40-50Kg/day/ha, besides significant saving in labor, fuel and water. RWC recently introduced a new second generation multi-crop planter zero till prototype to replace the traditional zero- till design. In order to further enhance the benefits of resource conserving technologies (RCTs), a 'head' specific micro-turbo pump was indigenously developed to save on untapped free surface flow power and economize on fuel green house emissions and energy. In field evaluation trials, the micro-turbo pump was found useful for the Canal- irrigated areas. The major feature of the 'head' specific micro-turbo pump is its robust and reliable design. The turbo-pump prototype can be easily manufactured locally to cater to pumping and for use in several other farm product processing operations. Water pumping from the tail race of the pump location was adapted keeping in mind, also the water table development at the larger radius from the location of surface flow replenishing water tables stressed by bore well and other water suction devices located at a higher head compared to flowing surface water. The whole system comprising the RCT and the turbo- pump installation were experimented and critically analyzed for the time span from 2003-2009. It is concluded that the head' specific micro-turbo pump is synergetic to RCTs and the newly designed pump can be used elsewhere in canal irrigated areas.