Opportunistic Routing (OR) is a new encouraging routing technique that is an efficient and enhanced routing scheme for wireless networks. It is an approach which takes a certain number of best forwarder nodes (i.e., candidate nodes) at each hop by taking the advantage of the broadcast nature of the wireless networks to reach the destination from the source node. When a lot of candidate nodes receive the package from the source node, they coordinate with each other to compute out which one node has to forward the packet toward the destination from the intermediate nodes. In our proposed approach, we deal with the node mobility means the dynamic nature of mobile nodes and a performance metric which considers the geographical location of the candidate nodes, at least one candidate node must be transfer the data packet, no candidate will receives the duplicate packet, the link delivery probability between the nodes, the number of the neighboring nodes of the candidate, and the predicted geographical position of nodes. Our simulation results show that proposed protocol improves the performance in terms of the packet delivery ratio, end-to-end delay, and expected number of data packet transmissions in terms of random waypoint mobility models. The computational complexity of the proposed scheme is in the order of O(n2). © 2016 ACM.