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Effect of carbon dioxide sequestration on the mechanical properties of Deccan basalt
, V. Vishal, T.N. Singh
Published in Springer Verlag
Volume: 75
Issue: 9
Carbon dioxide sequestration is considered to be an efficient method of curbing the release of carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere and to mitigating corresponding effects on climate change. In this regard, basaltic rocks are among the potential repositories due to their ability to trap carbon dioxide in form of carbonate minerals. A series of laboratory-scale saturation experiments was conducted on three types of basalts that were collected from different horizons of the Deccan Volcanic Province (DVP), India. The basalt cores were treated in a saturation chamber for different exposure periods under low-pressure and room-temperature conditions. A set of key mechanical, physical, and chemical properties of the pre- and post-treated samples were analyzed to identify saturation-related changes. The results show that exposure of the basalts to carbon dioxide has a strong effect on their strength. However, the extent of the effect is different for different types of basalts and is strongly controlled by the exposure time, the mineralogical composition, and rock texture. X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) show that saturation leads to dissolution of the mafic minerals, and precipitation of new carbonate minerals in the cracks and vesicles of the host rock. These changes in the mineralogical content and the development of micro-cracks in the samples are interpreted as being the primary factors that affect the loss of integrity in the rock. © 2016, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
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