Research on construal level theory shows the influence of abstract and concrete mindsets on self-control. These studies indicate that in the abstract mindset people have more self-control than in the concrete mindset. Though some studies have been carried out on behavioral control as well, however, the influence of mindsets on eye movement control has not been explored. Aiming to explore this relationship, two experiments were conducted on university students using an eye-tracker. The mindsets of participants in both the experiments were manipulated by the temporal distancing technique. To test eye movement control, experiment 1 used an anti-saccade task, in which the participants were asked to look away from the target, while experiment 2 used a visual search task where participants were asked to make goal-directed eye movements and avoid any distraction. The results of both the experiments showed that participants tended to have more control over their eye movement during the abstract mindset than the concrete mindset. This shows that mindsets not only help in controlling thoughts and general behaviors but also influence eye movements and govern what to look and where to look. Results are discussed in the light of self-control and construal level theory. © 2020 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.