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Discrete time output feedback sliding mode control of a large pressurized heavy water reactor
D. Reddy, Y. Park, , A.P. Tiwari
Published in
Volume: 17
Issue: 1 PART 1
In this paper a novel method is presented to design a sliding mode spatial control for a large Pressurized Heavy Water Reactor (PHWR) using a new formulation of Multirate Output Feedback (MROF). In the new formulation of MROF, the outputs of the system should be some of the states of the system or system should be in special form. The non-linear model of PHWR including xenon and iodine dynamics is characterized by 70 state variables and 14 inputs and outputs each. Linear nodal model is obtained by linearizing the non-linear dynamic equations of the reactor about the full power operating point. The 14 outputs of the PHWR are the power levels in 14 zones, also these are the 14 states of the system. The PHWR model is perfectly suitable for the application of this new formulation in which the states of the system can be computed using reduced system matrix inversion. The PHWR is an ill-conditioned system and the computation of the states of the system using existing MROF require the larger matrix inversions which sometimes may not possible. The proposed approach avoids this difficulty and produces the similar result as it is produced by the existing technique. The proposed control method does not require state information of the system for feedback purposes and hence may be easier to implement. From simulation of the non-linear model of the reactor in representative transients, the proposed control scheme is found to be superior to other methods. Copyright © 2007 International Federation of Automatic Control All Rights Reserved.
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