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Detection of packet-dropping attack in recoverable concealed data aggregation protocol for homogeneous wireless sensor networks
, S.S. Sran
Published in Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
Volume: 2015-April
Pages: 666 - 670
In wireless sensor networks, communication cost is higher as compared to computational cost, so it is important to minimize the amount of data transmission to extend the network lifetime. To minimize the volume of data to be transmitted, data aggregation is mostly used. As sensor nodes are being deployed in remote and unattented environments, they are prone to node compromise attacks and various other security issues. Hence, it is mandatory that data aggregation protocols must be designed by considering security issues on priority basis. Although, there is a trade-off between data aggregation and security of data, but both aspects are essential. Therefore it is challenging task to maintain data aggregation along with security in these networks. Recoverable Concealed Data aggregation Protocol for Homogeneous wireless sensor networks provides both security as well as aggregation. Despite of its strong security mechanism, this protocol is prone to Packet dropping attacks. This paper aims at detection of packet-dropping attack in Recoverable Concealed Data aggregation Protocol for Homogeneous wireless sensor networks. © 2015 IEEE.
About the journal
JournalData powered by SciSpaceInternational Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Technologies, ACCT
PublisherData powered by SciSpaceInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.