Compressive sensing (CS) using deep learning for recovery of images from measurements has been well explored in recent years. Instead of sensing/sampling full image, block or patch based compressive sensing is chosen to overcome memory and computation limitations. The drawback of this block based CS sampling and recovery is that it does not capture global context and focuses only on the local context. This results in artifacts at the boundary of two consecutive image blocks. Random Gaussian or random Bernoulli matrix are commonly used as sensing matrices to sample an image block and generate corresponding linear measurements. Although, random Gaussian or random Bernoulli matrices exhibits Restricted Isometry property (RIP), which is a guarantee for good quality reconstructed image, its two main disadvantages are: 1) large memory and computational requirements and 2) their encoded measurements doesn't generalize well to a large-scale dataset. In this paper, we propose a data adaptive CS based on deep learning framework for image recognition where 1) sampling is done considering the global context and 2) encoding to obtain measurements is learned from data, so as to achieve the generalization over large-scale dataset. © 2020 IEEE.