Automatically finding out existing building layouts from a repository is always helpful for an architect to ensure reuse of design and timely completion of projects. In this paper, we propose Deep Architecture for fiNdIng alikE Layouts (DANIEL). Using DANIEL, an architect can search from the existing projects repository of layouts (floor plan), and give accurate recommendation to the buyers. DANIEL is also capable of recommending the property buyers, having a floor plan image, the corresponding rank ordered list of alike layouts. DANIEL is based on the deep learning paradigm to extract both low and high level semantic features from a layout image. The key contributions in the proposed approach are: (i) novel deep learning framework to retrieve similar floor plan layouts from repository; (ii) analysing the effect of individual deep convolutional neural network layers for floor plan retrieval task; and (iii) creation of a new complex dataset ROBIN (Repository Of BuildIng plaNs), having three broad dataset categories with 510 real world floor plans.We have evaluated DANIEL by performing extensive experiments on ROBIN and compared our results with eight different state-of-The-art methods to demonstrate DANIEL's effectiveness on challenging scenarios. © 2017 IEEE.