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Damping the cavity-mode anti-resonances' peaks on a power plane by swarm intelligence algorithms
, N.K. Chhabra, R.K. Nagpal, R. Malik, J. Mukherjee
Published in
Pages: 361 - 364
Swarm intelligence is applied to a module of high speed system design problem. To maintain power integrity in a high speed system, an effective methodology for suppressing the cavity-mode anti-resonances' peaks is presented. The optimal values and the optimal positions of the decoupling capacitors are found using three different swarm intelligence methods -particle swarm optimization, cuckoo search method and firefly algorithm. Optimum values and locations of decoupling capacitors are obtained, by which anti-resonances' peaks of loaded board are minimized. © 2012 IEEE.
About the journal
JournalISCAS 2012 - 2012 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems