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Correlation between microstructural features and creep strain in a near-α titanium alloy processed in the α+β regime
I. Balasundar, T. Raghu,
Published in Elsevier Ltd
Volume: 609
Pages: 241 - 249
High temperature creep is an important property of titanium alloys used in aeroengines. Creep resistance of titanium alloys generally varies with heat treatment, temperature and cooling rate. Both the parameters affect the morphology and topology of the α (HCP) and β (BCC) phase present in the material. Various theories have been proposed in the literature to explain (i) the increase in creep strain with decreasing solution treatment temperature and (ii) the U-shaped variation of creep strain with cooling rate. Some of these theories are quite contradictory. An attempt is made here to systematically (a) evaluate and establish a direct microstructure-mechanical property correlation and (b) to explain the observed variation in the creep behaviour of a near-α titanium alloy IMI 834. The results obtained indicate that the observed U-shaped variation of creep curve is due to the counter acting nature of various microstructural features present in the material. © 2014 Elsevier B.V.
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