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Continuous nested algorithms: The fifth generation of sliding mode controllers
L. Fridman, J.A. Moreno, , S. Kamal, A. Chalanga
Published in Springer International Publishing
Volume: 24
Pages: 5 - 35
The history and evolution of Sliding Mode Controllers in the last three decades is revisited. The new generation of continuous sliding-mode controllers, and continuous nested sliding-mode controllers is presented. Such controllers generate an continuous control signal, ensuring, for the systems with relative degree r, the finite–time convergence to the (r+1)−th sliding-mode set using only information on the sliding output and its derivatives up to the (r − 1) order. In this book it is natural to recall the past and to think about the future. This chapter is an attempt to give a viewpoint on the stages of development of the Sliding-Mode Control (SMC) theory in the last decades. We will show that each decade the SMC community has been able to generate families of controllers with much better properties than before, and propose arbitrary-order continuous SMC algorithms which can significatively reduce the chattering and improve the precision. © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015.
About the journal
JournalStudies in Systems, Decision and Control
PublisherSpringer International Publishing