The article report a preliminary result of neutrino transition magnetic moments using DUNE LAr, HK and JUNO detectors. Neutrinos, if Majorana particles, because of the combined effect of magnetic field and matter effect in core-collapse supernova can transform some of νe to ν¯e due to spin flavour conversions. As a result of this conversions the inverse beta decay signal will have an increment indicating evidence of transition magnetic moments. The DUNE LAr is sensitive to νe, so will observe a deficiency of νe due to this conversion whereas both HK and JUNO which are sensitive to ν¯e will see excess of ν¯e. The DUNE LAr and JUNO are more or less sensitive to other type of neutrinos due to use of 40Ar and 12C. So can estimate the event ratio using both neutrinos and hence sensitivity on transition magnetic moments. Even an non observation of such conversion put a restrictive bound on the neutrino transition magnetic moments. © Copyright owned by the author(s) under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).