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Biometric match score fusion using RVM: A case study in multi-unit iris recognition
H. Mehrotra, , , B. Majhi
Published in
Pages: 65 - 70
This paper presents a novel fusion approach to combine scores from different biometric classifiers using Relevance Vector Machine. RVM uses a combination of kernel functions on training data for classification and compared to SVM, it requires significantly reduced number of relevance vectors. The proposed RVM based fusion algorithm is evaluated using a case study on multi-unit iris recognition. Experimental results on the CASIA-Iris-V4 Thousand database show that RVM provides better accuracy compared to single unit iris recognition and existing fusion algorithms. With respect to SVM fusion, it is observed that, the accuracy of RVM and SVM are comparable, however, the time for RVM fusion is significantly reduced. © 2012 IEEE.
About the journal
JournalIEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops