We study the problem of approximating a center under the Ulam metric. The Ulam metric, defined over a set of permutations over [n], is the minimum number of move operations (deletion plus insertion) to transform one permutation into another. The Ulam metric is a simpler variant of the general edit distance metric. It provides a measure of dissimilarity over a set of rankings/permutations. In the center problem, given a set of permutations, we are asked to find a permutation (not necessarily from the input set) that minimizes the maximum distance to the input permutations. This problem is also referred to as maximum rank aggregation under Ulam. So far, we only know of a folklore 2-approximation algorithm for this NP-hard problem. Even for constantly many permutations, we do not know anything better than an exhaustive search over all n! permutations. In this paper, we achieve a (32 - 31m)-approximation of the Ulam center in time nO(m2 ln m), for m input permutations over [n]. We therefore get a polynomial time bound while achieving better than a 3/2-approximation for constantly many permutations. This problem is of special interest even for constantly many permutations because under certain dissimilarity measures over rankings, even for four permutations, the problem is NP-hard. In proving our result, we establish a surprising connection between the approximate Ulam center problem and the closest string with wildcards problem (the center problem over the Hamming metric, allowing wildcards). We further study the closest string with wildcards problem and show that there cannot exist any (2 - ϵ)-approximation algorithm (for any ϵ > 0) for it unless P = NP. This inapproximability result is in sharp contrast with the same problem without wildcards, where we know of a PTAS. © Diptarka Chakraborty, Kshitij Gajjar, and Agastya Vibhuti Jha.