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An optimality theory based proximity measure for evolutionary multi-objective and many-objective optimization
K. Deb, M. Abouhawwash,
Published in Springer Verlag
Volume: 9019
Pages: 18 - 33
Evolutionarymulti- andmany-objective optimization (EMO) methods attempt to find a set of Pareto-optimal solutions, instead of a single optimal solution. To evaluate these algorithms, performancemetrics either require the knowledge of the true Pareto-optimal solutions or, are ad-hoc and heuristic based. In this paper, we suggest a KKT proximity measure (KKTPM) that can provide an estimate of the proximity of a set of trade-off solutions from the true Pareto-optimal solutions. Besides theoretical results, the proposed KKT proximity measure is computed for iteration-wise trade-off solutions obtained from specific EMO algorithms on two, three, five and 10-objective optimization problems. Results amply indicate the usefulness of the proposed KKTPM as a termination criterion for an EMO algorithm. © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015.