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A robust distance with correlated metric learning for multi-instance multi-label data
, C.V. Jawahar
Published in Association for Computing Machinery, Inc
Pages: 441 - 445
In multi-instance data, every object is a bag that contains multiple elements or instances. Each bag may be assigned to one or more classes, such that it has at least one instance corresponding to every assigned class. However, since the annotations are at bag-level, there is no direct association between the instances within a bag and the assigned class labels, hence making the problem significantly challenging. While existing methods have mostly focused on Bag-to-Bag or Class-to-Bag distances, in this paper, we address the multiple instance learning problem using a novel Bag-to-Class distance measure. This is based on two observations: (a) existence of outliers is natural in multi-instance data, and (b) there may exist multiple instances within a bag that belong to a particular class. In order to address these, in the proposed distance measure (a) we employ L1-distance that brings robustness against outliers, and (b) rather than considering only the most similar instance-pair during distance computation as done by existing methods, we consider a subset of instances within a bag while determining its relevance to a given class. We parameterize the proposed distance measure using class-specific distance metrics, and propose a novel metric learning framework that explicitly captures inter-class correlations within the learned metrics. Experiments on two popular datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed distance measure and metric learning. © 2016 ACM.
About the journal
JournalData powered by TypesetMM 2016 - Proceedings of the 2016 ACM Multimedia Conference
PublisherData powered by TypesetAssociation for Computing Machinery, Inc