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A novel multi band notched octagonal shaped fractal UWB antenna
S. Tripathi, S. Yadav, , , A. Mohan
Published in IEEE
Pages: 167 - 169

In this paper, a small novel octagonal shaped ultra wideband (UWB) antenna was designed using Minkowski like fractal geometry including the multi band notch characteristics. The investigated UWB antenna geometry addresses the challenges such as compact size and wideband operating frequency range because of the self-similar and multiple resonance characteristics of the fractal geometry, used in this work. The multiple notches in the ground plane leads to better return loss and the desired operational bandwidth in the 3.1 GHz - 10.6 GHz range. The compact 16.5 mm × 13.5 mm antenna geometry exhibits nearly omnidirectional radiation pattern, proper impedance matching with VSWR < 2 over the entire UWB frequency range. These characteristics offer opportunities to explore the proposed UWB antenna for various applications. © 2013 IEEE.

About the journal
JournalData powered by Typeset2013 International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication, ICSC 2013
PublisherData powered by TypesetIEEE
Open AccessNo