In recent past, there has been a steep increase in the use of online platforms for the search of desired products. Real estate industry is no exception and has started initiating rent/sale of houses through online platforms. In this paper, we propose a deep neural network framework to facilitate automatic search of homes based on their floor plans. The salient features of this framework are that the query can be either an image (existing floor plan) or a sketch through a sketch pad interface. Our proposed framework automatically determines the type of query (image or sketch) and retrieves similar floor plan images from the database. The critical contributions of our proposed approach are: (1) a novel unified floor plan retrieval framework using multimodal query, i.e., an intuitive and convenient sketch query mode as well as a query by example mode ; (2) a conjunction of autoencoder, Cyclic GAN and CNN for the task of domain mapping and floor plan image retrieval. We have reported results of extensive experimentation and comparison with baseline results to establish the effectiveness of our approach. © 2019, Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature.